Concierge or not Concierge is the Question

Hello all, it has been so long. How time flies when the world shuts down. I hope everyone is doing well as we all start to venture out again. So the Cornelious family had the opportunity to take a Baja cruise on the Wonder out of San Diego in April. That trip was a couple of firsts for us. It was our first time in San Diego, first cruise as an official Platinum Castaway Member, and (drum roll please) our first time cruising as Concierge Guests. That is what this story will be about. Just a quick review of our thoughts.  

Lets start in the waiting area. During check in you get a separate line just for concierge guests. I have to admit I was surprised at the amount of people that were in the line. I never realized how many rooms there are on that level. The check in process was not bad but again this was our first time as concierge guests and sailing out of San Diego so I can not compare the process to anything else. Once we got on board we were escorted to a private lunch in Tritons Dining Room. The lunch was the same as the other sit down lunches versus going to Cabanas but it was just the concierge guests. While we were eating the Concierge Hosts visited the tables and introduced themselves and filled us in briefly on what to expect. 

Now onto the lounge itself. First thing I want to say is WOW! The level of service was indescribable. When you walk in there is a fridge full of all kinds of juice, soft drinks and water-anything your unquenchable thirst desired! There is a barista for your coffee. Well more like a person to make coffee for you on the super duper fancy machine. There is a bartender after 5pm that can make whatever you want including the best Old Fashioned ever. Small food bites are served throughout the day and varies on the items buuutttt if you ever make it into the lounge please get the turkey sandwich. Trust me! The lounge has plenty of seating along with a tv for kids to sit and chill at. Windows surround the area and you can sit and people watch or catch a character or two strolling by. Finishing up the mental tour there is an outdoor upper deck with huge seats and pillows. The girls covered themselves up in a avalanche of pillows.  

Ok here are some perks having concierge level that we had. Again this is our first time and I am not sure if this on all ships: 

  • Unlimited popcorn during movies and theater shows

  • First seating for the theater shows

  • All the soft drinks you want either from the lounge or in your room fridge

  • A drink cart comes to your room each evening and makes you a drink of choice

  • Private viewing area for the fireworks

  • First to board the ship

  • Specialty trading pin from the gift shop (you have to purchase it but our cruise did not have any in stock)

  • Express disembarkation

  • Assistance with reservations and excursions

I am sure there was probably more that we did not take advantage of. Those are the ones we stumbled upon as our trip went on. Especially the popcorn. After we purchased the bucket for the discounted refills the cast member noticed we were concierge and told us about the free popcorn.  

Well that is all for now. We were blessed to have another opportunity at concierge level during our next cruise in August. I am excited to compare the two. I would love to hear if you have ever been a concierge guest. Perhaps there are some other perks we missed that you can share.